Samsung - movie "Depth"
Especially for the filming of this movie, Alexey decided to break his (and world) record and dive 130 meters on one breath. Did he make it? Watch in our film.
Samsung - movie "Depth"
Inna Omelchenko
Director of photography
Philip Zadorozhny
Geor Cardanov
The film starred
Alexey Molchanov, Elena Molchanova, Ekaterina Romanova, Tatiana Novak, Dean Novak
Production director
Andrey Paukov
Account director
Elena Samoilova
Executive producer
Alexey Alexeev
Line producer
Oksana Tarasova
Creative producers
Artyom Tsaregorodtsev, Anna Bokina
Inna Omelchenko, Yulia Frolova
Underwater cinematographer
Grigory Yablochnikov
Konstantin Ovchinnikov, Vitaly Bazarov
Freediving operator
Dean Novak
Diving specialist
Valery Chufarov
Creation and production
Zebra Hero
about the project
Freediving is a sport in which athletes take more air into their lungs and dive to depths of more than 120 meters. That is, where there is no light, no fish, no plants, and the pressure is so strong that the lungs compress to the size of an apple.
In our film, we tell the story of Alexey Molchanov, who does such things every day and for whom water is as much a native element as earth and air for us.
Location sound designer
Vadim Sergach
Alexander Fedoseev
Sound designer
Stanislav Paushev
movies & series
moscow, znamenka st., 13/1